Monday, January 18, 2010

Bike lane above traffic for cycle commuting in cities

A new design for a bicycle lane above the traffic comes from Bulgarian architect Martin Angelov. The "bike lane" is actually a steel U-shaped wire that is connected across distances, and the bike's tires fit into the U. There is also a stabilizing wire that connects to the handlebars, or rider, to keep the bike and rider from falling off.

This type of system would provide a safe bicycle lane in congested cities, with a smaller infrastructure and space investment than is required for bike lanes. It would also provide a scenic, traffic-free tourist attraction!

1 comment:

Aditi said...

Nice site, Nyall! I like your unique postings. For your Canadian followers, help build bicycles for others by simply eating chocolate...

The Bicycle Factory is giving Canadians the opportunity to help send up to 5,000 bikes to Ghana – by eating chocolate! Participants also have a chance to win a trip to Ghana to help deliver the bikes. Details are online now at

Check it out and if you have any questions - let me know!
Thanks - Aditi B. 